Our News Blog


Read Time: Approximately 7 minutes

Alright folks, gather 'round! It's that time of the year again – tax season, but I'm sure you already knew that! Every time tax season approaches, I feel like there's a universal and collective sigh, followed by panicked searches for missing receipts and documents. We often find ourselves wishing we had prepared sooner or organized things in a way to avoid the anxiety and chaos.

But wait, what if tax season didn't have to be synonymous with stress? What if there was a way to tackle it head-on, armed with knowledge and confidence? Well, fear not! As we approach the tax deadline, it's the perfect time to adopt some good habits that will make the next tax season a breeze or get you ready to file before this upcoming deadline. Whether you're still waiting to file your taxes or looking ahead to next year, this article will be incredibly helpful in setting you up for success.

Sound interesting? Well, come on and continue reading to learn 5 solid ways you can set yourself up for tax season, whether it's for...


Read Time: Approximately 8-10 minutes

Like all the badass superhero movies from Marvel and DC, I firmly believe that origin stories are among the best ways to authentically share with the world your unique upbringing and the trials and tribulations that shape your life journey, ultimately leading to the discovery of the best version of yourself and your true calling.

With the recent launch of Confident Bookkeeping Solutions, I believe it is fitting to share my own origin story, my beginnings, wins, and losses, and the persistent feeling that I was meant for more, yet unsure of what that entailed. Along the way, I encountered tragedies that put my dreams on hold for a decade. However, stepping out on faith and believing in myself, God, and my talents led me to try something new. It may sound like the start of a dramatic movie, but trust me, it is more than that, and if you continue reading, I promise it won't be as bad as Madam Web, LOL.

To start, ever since I was a child, I have always been free-spirited and possessed a desire to be different and do things on my...
